Produse pentru n scara de recif (5)

Simulări termomecanice ale structurilor (3)

Simulări termomecanice ale structurilor (3)

Simulations thermomécaniques des structures (3)
Curs de Scufundări Open Water

Curs de Scufundări Open Water

Curso de iniciación, el primer gran escalón al mundo subacuático. Open Water de Padi , aprenderás a ser un buceador autónomo, el manejo con total de seguridad de todo el equipo de scuba y planificarás tus inmersiones junto a un compañero a una profundidad máxima de 18 metros.
Măsurători ultrasonice - Subacvatice

Măsurători ultrasonice - Subacvatice

Tauchbetrieb im Wasserbau, an den Schiffen, der Bergung uvm.
Modele de piele in vitro

Modele de piele in vitro

StratiCELL offers product objectivation studies on a wide range of skin models, including cell cultures in monolayer (keratinocytes, fibroblasts, melanocytes, adipocytes, sebocytes, sensory neurons, endothelial cells, etc.), human reconstituted epidermis and finally, human skin explants. All these 2D or 3D models can be derived from primary, hiPS-derived cells or from particular conditions (i.e. from psoriatic or AD patients), and can be stimulated or exposed to stress factors as required. Our skin models are manufactured in-house and are the results of more than 15 years of R&D innovations. Skin cells in monolayer cultures In vitro reconstituted human epidermis Ex vivo skin explants
Inspecție Video - Subacvatică

Inspecție Video - Subacvatică

Tauchbetrieb im Wasserbau, an den Schiffen, der Bergung uvm.